 Adding Elements

Elements in XML are the same as tags. This example will create a document and add some elements to it.

Resulting XML

All the DOM nodes are created using the Document object. Each node created by a Document belongs to that document. You can't directly add nodes from one document to another document. (Although you can import the node.)

Documents are intrinsically implementation-dependent. To bootstrap this process, you need to create the Document. Sun's JAXP DocumentBuilder gives an implementation-independent method for creating a document.

Creating Elements with the DOM
import javax.xml.parser.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import com.caucho.xml.*;


// Create a new parser using the JAXP API (javax.xml.parser)
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();

// Create a new document
Document doc = builder.newDocument();

// Create the top element
Element top = doc.createElement("top");

// Add it to the document

// Add elements to the top

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