Reference Guide

Getting Started

Basic Config
Security Config
Log Config
Taglib Config
Misc resin.conf
Host resin.conf
Port resin.conf
App resin.conf


  • access-log - Configures logging of HTTP requests. Allowed in host and resin-server.
  • allow-admin - Allows administration from the web-app. Must be configured in resin.conf.
  • allow-servlet-el - Allows JSP EL expressions servlet configuration.
  • alternate-session-url-prefix - Configures an alternate format for session URL-rewriting which may be more suitable for wireless devices.
  • app-dir - Configures the application directory for web-app, host or http-server.
  • auto-compile - In <jsp>, if false, changes in .jsp files will not force an autocompile.
  • browser-mapping - Downgrades to HTTP/1.0 for certain broken browsers. Allowed in a web-app.
  • cache - Enables Resin's internal proxy cache.
  • cache-mapping - Specifies the Expires time to use for cacheable servlets that specify a Last-Modified or ETag header, but don't specify Expires. Allowed in web-app.
  • case-sensitive - Determines if url-patterns are case-sensitive.
  • certificate-chain-file - Specifies the OpenSSL certificate chain file to be used for SSL.
  • certificate-file - Specifies the OpenSSL certificate file to be used for SSL.
  • certificate-key-file - Specifies the OpenSSL certificate key file to be used for SSL.
  • certificate-key-password - Specifies the OpenSSL certificate key password for SSL.
  • chain-mapping - Maps a mime-type to a servlet to be used to filter the output of a servlet. Allowed in web-app.
  • character-encoding - Defines the default character-encoding to use for forms.
  • classpath - Adds dynamic class directories, jars, and jar library directories to the application. Allowed in web-app, host, or http-server.
  • classpath - Configures additional classpath values when automatically compiling java code.
  • class-update-interval - Specifies how often the web-app should check classes, java source, and configuration files to see if the web-app needs reloading.
  • compile - Specifies whether a <classpath> should automatically compile Java files.
  • compiler - Specifies the Javac compiler to use for any automatic compilation.
  • compiler-args - Specifies any additional javac arguments for automatic compilatoin.
  • config-update-interval - Specifies how often a web-app should check its configuration file.
  • constraint - Defines a custom security constraint extending
  • context-param - Specifies a ServletContext init parameter. Allowed in web-app.
  • cookie-length - Limits the length of the cookie generated for session ids.
  • crypto-device - For OpenSSL with an SSL engine, specifies the crypto-device.
  • dead-time - For load balancing, how long the server should treat a dead server as dead before retrying it.
  • directory-servlet - Specifies the servlet to use for directory listing or none to disable directory listing.
  • doc-dir - Specified the document directory for a virtual host.
  • ejb-ref - Configures an EJB client bean. Rarely used. Normally, jndi-link will be used instead.
  • env-entry - Specifies a JNDI initial value, often a String or Integer.
  • error-log - Configures the file to be used for servlet error messages. Allowed in web-app and host.
  • error-page - Specifies a page to be used when a servlet returns an error code or throws an exception. Allowed in web-app.
  • forbid-host - A list of host which should be forbidden access. Allowed in <http-server>
  • global-system-properties - If true, System.getProperty calls are shared across all virtual hosts and web-apps. Allowed in <http-server>
  • host - Defines a virtual host.
  • http - Configures a single TCP port listening with the HTTP protocol.
  • http-server - A single container tag for all http/servlet configuration. Allowed in <>
  • ignore-client-disconnect - If true, exceptions caused by the browser disconnecting are ignored. Allowed in http-server.
  • server - Configures a custom protocol server.
  • ignore-serialization-errors - When serializing a session, skip any values which don't implement In session-config.
  • init-param - Initialization parameter. Used for servlets and for resources to configure bean properties.
  • java - Configures the Java compiler.
  • jdbc-store - Configures persistent sessions to use a JDBC store.
  • jndi-link - Adds a foreign JNDI tree to the web-app tree. Used for EJB clients.
  • jsp - Configures JSP specific configuration.
  • lazy-init - Initialize the application on the first request instead of when the server starts.
  • log - Configures Resin's debug log.
  • live-time - For load balancing, how long the server should keep an idle srun connection open before closing it.
  • login-config - Configures user login.
  • mime-mapping - Adds content-type mapping based on file extensions.
  • multipart-form - Enables the multipart/mime for HTML forms.
  • path-mapping - Maps url patterns to real paths.
  • ping - Defines a thread to periodically ping the server with a HTTP request and restart the server if the ping fails.
  • port - Specifies the port Resin should listen to.
  • precompile - In <jsp>, use precompiled JSP classes if available.
  • resin:include - Includes an XML file into the current configuration.
  • resin:include-directory - Includes matching XML files in a directory into the current configuration.
  • invalidate-after-listener - If true, listeners are called before the session invalidation.
  • resource-ref - Resource configuration: database, JMS, EJB.
  • request-timeout - Time in seconds before a keepalive request times out. Allowed in http-server.
  • require-source - When checking JSP files for update, checks if the JSP file has been deleted.
  • reuse-session-id - If false, generate a new session id when the old one does not exist.
  • root-dir - Specified the root directory for a virtual host.
  • run-at - Executes a servlet at specified times. Allowed in servlet and servlet-mappnig.
  • secure - Requires that the web-app be accessed from a secure connection, e.g. SSL. Allowed in <host> or <web-app>.
  • security-manager - Enable the JDK's security manager.
  • server-name - Configures the canonical name (URL) for the host. Allowed in <host>.
  • server-listener - Configures an event listener when the server starts and stops. Allowed in resin-server.
  • servlet - Defines a servlet. Allowed in web-app.
  • servlet-class - Specifies the class for a servlet.
  • servlet-name - Specifies a name for a servlet configuration.
  • servlet-mapping - Configures the mapping from URLs to servlets. Allowed in web-app.
  • servlet-classloader-hack - Enables the Servlet 2.3 spec classloader hack.
  • session-config - Configures sessions for a web-app.
  • session-cookie - Changes the session cookie (default 'JSESSIONID').
  • session-url-prefix - Changes the session rewriting prefix (default ';jsessionid=').
  • session-timeout - Configures the maximum time for a session.
  • session-max - Configures the maximum number of active sessions.
  • sticky-sessions - Enables or disables sticky sessions for the load balancer.
  • srun - Configures a TCP port listening with the Resin servlet runner (srun) protocol.
  • srun-backup - Configures a TCP port listening with the Resin servlet runner (srun) protocol, used as a backup in load-balancing.
  • ssl - Configures an http or srun with SSL support.
  • sslv2 - Configures an SSL port to allow the SSL v2 protocol.
  • sslv3 - Configures an SSL port to allow the SSL v3 protocol.
  • static-encoding - In <jsp>, if true, precompiles the i18n char to byte conversion.
  • stderr-log - Configures the location for System.err for the current web-app, host or http-server.
  • stdout-log - Configures the location for System.out for the current web-app, host or http-server.
  • strict-mapping - Forces the url-mapping to disallow path-info for *.jsp
  • taglib - Configures the JSP tag library.
  • tcp-store - Configure sessions to use a TCP-ring backing store.
  • temp-dir - Application temp directory. This is the path used in javax.servlet.context.tempdir.
  • thread-keepalive - Configures the number of threads which can be used wait for keepalive request. Allowed in http-server, http, srun, and srun-backup.
  • thread-max - Specifies the maximum threads allowed for a port. Allowed in http-server, http, srun, and srun-backup.
  • tlsv1 - Configures an SSL port to allow the TLS v1 protocol.
  • url-character-encoding - Specifies the character encoding for decoding the URL.
  • url-length-max - Specifies the maximum length allowed for the HTTP URL.
  • url-pattern - Matches a set of URLs for servlet-mapping and filter-mapping.
  • verify-client - Configures whether SSL should verify the client certificate.
  • war-dir - Defines a directory where *.war files are automatically expanded.
  • war-expand-dir - Defines the destination directory where the *.war file will be expanded to.
  • web-app - Define a web application. Allowed in <host>.
  • web-xml - Specifies an alternate location for the web.xml file.
  • welcome-file-list - Sets the files to use for a directory display, e.g. index.jsp, index.html.
  • work-dir - The directory for generated *.java and *.class, e.g. for JSP generation.

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Resin® is a registered trademark, and HardCoretm and Quercustm are trademarks of Caucho Technology, Inc.