   - form.xsl uses XTP to provide sophisticated form behaviour with simple 
   - XTP source.  It produces JSP with language=javascript.  Using Java
   - is simple as well.  All stylesheets must produce the same JSP language.
   - Although this example uses the 'xslt-lite' syntax, the same functionality
   - is available using strict XSL.  For those more familiar with strict XSL,
   - note that unknown elements, e.g. <input>, are treated as text, not
   - as a created element.

<xsl:output disable-output-escaping='true' indent='false'/>

<xsl:attribute name='value'><%=
  request.getAttribute("<{.}>") == null ? "" : request.getAttribute("<{.}>")

form[@action] <<
<form action='<%= response.encodeURL("{@action}") %>'>
  <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*[not(name(.)='action')]"/>

ct:hidden <<
<input type='hidden'>
  <xsl:apply-templates select='@*'/>

ct:password <<
<input type='password'>
  <xsl:apply-templates select='@*'/>

ct:submit <<
<input type='submit'>
  <xsl:apply-templates select='@*'/>

ct:label <<

ct:label[@value] <<

ct:label[@ct:form-request-value] <<
  request.getAttribute("<{@ct:form-request-value}>") == null ? "" :

ct:form-table[@action] <<
<form action='<%= response.encodeURL("{@action}") %>'>
  <xsl:apply-templates select="@*[not(name(.)='action')]"/>

  <xsl:apply-templates select='ct:hidden[@name]'/>

  <xsl:for-each select='*[name(.)!="ct:hidden"]'>
    <xsl:if test='@name'>
            <td><xsl:apply-templates select='.'/></td></tr>

    <xsl:if test='not(@name)'>
        <tr><td colspan=2><xsl:apply-templates select='.'/></td></tr>
